An app that inspires, informs, and rewards positive change in human behavior.
I created this application to raise hope and encourage positive action in regards to our current ecological crisis.
We are all suffering from some level of eco-anxiety/climate distress, whatever you want to call it. Maybe you’ve experienced panic attacks or chronic depression when faced with the conundrum of our current eco crisis. Maybe you've experienced thoughts like — “there is nothing "I" can do that will help save this planet, so what is the use of trying. That we are all doomed. That "I" have no future...and nor will my children…why have children if the world they inherit is corrupt and doomed"
Though some of those thoughts could be potentially valid and 2022 will be the coldest winter ever, there is still a bright side — and its that we still have time, hope, and people actively working to reverse the harmful effects of our past choices.
There is so much work to do and we need every last human to get on board to tip the scale back in our favor.
This app provides a supportive platform for humans as we shift to new ways of living sustainably.
Instead of guilt tripping you with images of penguins committing suicide — this app encourages, teaches, and rewards sustainable behaviors. It is a masterclass and step by step learning hub for eco stewardship.
Human behavior and paradigms can change when supported by inspiration, education, and positive reinforcement. If we design an app that inspires people to adopt sustainable behaviors and paradigms, shows them how, and rewards them for doing it — we can spur forth impact that will help regenerate the planet.
Rather than take the time to reinvent the wheel, I decided to utilize well-known interface patterns to aid with seamless user adoption. For example, the inspire section of the application is basically TikTok, but it only shows videos about eco-stewardship, environmental justice, and uplifting animal and plant related content. The reward section is heavily based on the Reminders application that comes pre-installed in Apple products. The educate section is a mix of a traditional blog website structure, Spotify, and YouTube. Users will have the options to read, watch, or listen to each “article” within the education section.
Prototype & Interfaces
Below are select wireframes. View the full prototype and Figma in the sections below.